Techno Posts from Sinking Deck

Techno Posts from Sinking Deck

The original deck footings were sinking and raising at this townhouse on an Ankeny Golf Course. There are a few areas of town that the ground is more clay then dirt – which are terrible for deck and foundation footings. The homeowner needed some solutions. We decided to use the Metal Helical Piles by Techno Post of Iowa. The piers will drill into the ground until there is the recommendation pressure from the ground to hold the needed weight. They are also nice because when the install the piers, there is not much grass/ground disturbance and then we can build right away. The materials for the deck was Timbertech PVC Capped Composite Decking (Terrain Series – Silver Maple) with Westbury’s Full Aluminum Railing (Tuscany Series – Black). We also did upgrade the beam to be larger so the deck would not need the center post for structure. This deck turned out great and the homeowner does not have to worry about the heaving anymore!!

Ankeny, Iowa
New Deck
Timbertech PVC Capped Composite Decking (Terrain Series – Silver Maple), Westbury Full Aluminum Railing (Tuscany Series), Helical Piers by Techno Post

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